River of Dreams
River of Dreams
91 x 121.5cm
Acrylic and impasto on canvas
Its a place where the impossible is possible and nothing is too far fetched. Where the weird is absolutely normal and the miraculous is the rule and not the exception.
River of Dreams
Come to the River Oh weary of soul
And dangle your toe on the edge of my shore,
Dip in a digit and breathe a deep sigh,
Let your burdens all melt as your dreams magnify.
Come to the River Oh heart of discontent
Submerge to your knees and take a moment,
Take stock of the goodness the river of life brings,
Let old things pass as your renewed heart sings.
Come to the River Oh distracted of mind.
Soak to your waist and allow to unwind,
The what ifs and ponderings that take up to much space,
Can all be drowned in the river of grace.
Come to the River Oh child of self doubt,
Immerse to your chin and let a roar out,
Stop comparing yourself to him or to her,
The river of dreams is as unique as you are
Come to the river Oh all who need healing,
Take a deep breath and cover your ceiling,
This rivers miraculous and the place of new life,
The river of dreams is the turning of tides.
Oh come to the river, the River of Dreams where nothing is impossible,
and nothing is as it seems.